Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I don't have time to pee

I feel that I need more hours in a day and one more day during the weekend to at least keep up with all the things I want to do and don't do as fast the other things I really do not want to do.

The other day Dylan was having one of his eternal weird tantrums where nobody, apparently in his little mind, should be happy because he was not. For some strange reason all the freakin' toys he has, the awesome pancakes that I made when I do not even take breakfast or get up at those early hours on a Saturday to make them, that I even do not do to Brad during his birthday (haven't happening yet) were not enough. He wanted to go inside the big boy bathroom and get in the shower and I said no. He was already changed, all clean...not good. But I just wanted to have that intimate moment with ME and only ME alone ...but I could not. He was there looking at me and my panties, and my butt and yes he wanted to play with the toilette too. Really Dylan? Mommy just want to pee alone, I do not use pampers...I guess they should be quite comfortable when you are that this age? not so much.

Dylan can't possible understand those feelings...his world is around him...and well, him why not? Heck he is awesome. The problem is that awesome kids came from awesome parents...meaning we are having a hard time understanding our awesomeness in this strange world. Who is winning? Well I am the parent right? okay okay sometimes he is winning too.

The other day I was reading some awesome "Momma blogs" that I have found in the web thanks to one called "People that I want to punch in the throat" I think she is hilarious and not only that she always referred to other moms out there that has a great genius to say things that we all think , well at least I think "most of us" have thought sometime. I am sure not everybody agree, and that's fine but I do not care.

Talking about people that do not agree, the other day I had a strange discussion with a friend if I can say that. I think with time you just make new ones and found out that sometimes, just sometimes, you not longer have common grounds of thinking, principles, etc etc with old friendships. And I think that's bound to I am not really sad, just surprise of her reaction when I say "normal people" and I got the "you will find out your life has nothing of normal"...and I meditate for like one minute or half minute, actually like ten seconds...well sorry my normal life is the one I have right now and that's normal to me...would be ridiculous to say that my normal life was before so my actual life is abnormal...Wei-rd. So I ended up the discussion because I found 1. annoying stupid discussions when people just get too into each syllable  and 2. discussions that start based in non sense.

I realized I can't stand arrogant people...what a bummer people they are...gosh why they exist? Is like those roaches...seriously, what possible they bring to nature? economy? no no I don't think that even National Geographic can say something nice about them at all! I met I think three weeks ago the most arrogant person in the planet followed by somebody from Fox News because sorry I think those folks are nickel heads and just invent crap.

So my new hobby now is to look for houses...and this is a HORRIBLE job to do! I hate's like going to a web mall and look for shoes for hours! I am sorry if I insult your Prada style but I don't fucking care about shoes or mall shopping's a LOT of work! Nothing wrong with the amount of work but there would be a lot of compromises. We are sure we do not want a condo because 1. We like yards and decks and place where we can do some cookouts and play area and 2. I really do not want to share any piece of my property with anybody else. After years living in an apartment aka condo for newbies I got enough.

Back to have time to pee...I realized I do not longer take 15 minutes to drink a cup of coffee during morning hours during the weekend at cup of coffee gets cold every half hour and I even dare to reheated it just for the fake promise that I won't do it again and I WILL finish the darn cup but it hasn't happening yet.

Okay Morpheus is knocking the to you later.


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