Friday, February 10, 2012

Best quote ever

I think this line will say everything what happened today until noon:

“Meetings are an addictive, highly self-indulgent activity that corporations and other large organizations habitually engage in only because they cannot masturbate”
 Dave Barry

I woke up at several times in the early morning...since 3.46am which I remembered very well because I grab my phone and said "3.46". My watch died couple of days ago and I haven't had the time nor the energy to go to the Time whatever place is called to get the battery replace. I still put it on though because I need that weight in my wristband...anyway...I had three contractions between 4-5am and I think I fall asleep again after that. Waking up again by the sound of my alarm at 6.28am which I snooze until 7.10am. And that's when I started to get mad. Brad got up and started complaining that he didn't want to be "again late at 9am in the morning". In all honesty I know I have been late at work with or without doctor's appointment and the rest of my aches...but to be honest...I am trying my best. I know I can call the cards and say fuck it, I am going out on maternity leave using what I have right now because I am fucking exhausted. But I don't...I am trying to make it there. I am trying to make the point that pregnant or not I CAN be productive and I want to be. I want to be treated fairly and that I am not complaining all the time or even I look miserable I should be given the same projects than others are getting...because, after all, I didn't study all this be the pregnant woman.

We had a mild discussion which ended him apologizing and going to get the Friday treats that I owe to my team today. First obstacle conquered, move on. Then I get to work and is really cold outside...I mean is COLD outside. I just feel too cold with a sweater and a jacket on today still I feel cold, and I hate the feeling of feeling too cold. The cold didn't help my mood.

We had staff meeting today too...which I don't look forward to it much in all honesty. Unless we are agreeing or deciding something, I still don't get the entire thing to listen to one voice, one tone for 85% of the time. To be honest I don't care about the Grammys. I think this country have nothing else to do than to follow people who doesn't care about you and only in their own fame and drug addiction...why do I care? I don't. But I even have to listen about that...really? not even in a joke I care. Notice that I am cranky? Yes I was. The crankiness didn't get better when I heard a name about "congratulations in your extraordinary job". Oh waow...that's the coolest thing I have ever heard! I guess I should do all my appointments and personal stuff using my work phone. Seriously, I guess I got this time the message. The more personal stuff you do at work, the better. I shouldn't get mad about this kind of things. I have been too long in here to experience what is unfairness and stupidity...too many times but it keeps bugs me. I guess I am not for political skin type. I can't stand bullshit. And I am not quite into call it out by name.

The reality of my life, I know, is that sooner or later I have to decide to do something on my own so I can be at peace with myself and spend less or zero time getting angry about stupid burocratic bullshit I can't stand.

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