Sunday, July 1, 2012

Four months

It has been that long? Really?

I still can remember as it happened a day ago!...I woke up at 3am...and there was this pain...and the pain got worse for the whole day. Rush to the hospital from the OBGYN clinic...and at 7.03pm Dylan was born. Four months has passed since then and I am not, in no way, the same person I left this place early on March 1st and returned on March 4th at noon.

We left being 2 and returned being 3...scary.

Brad and I were looking at some pictures of Dylan when he was less than a tiny.

And then today, he is four months!!!!

How times goes by...where it went? definetly felt that my maternity leave was eternal...and now after go back to work I am in urgent need of a long long LONG vacation.

Okay Dylan wants food...and mommy needs to stop writing!

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