Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A day like this

Dylan normally wakes up two times every night...sometimes three depending if he goes to be "early" or not. Yesterday night, he woke up around 2am and I was able to put him to bed right on...so no food, he just needed assurance that everything was fine. Then he woke up at 4.30am...would have been nicer if it was at 6am when our alarm went off although I normally I know is 5.30am and the day is on. But unfortunately he did not. He woke up hungry at 4.30am and I fed him.

Brad joined us, and fell asleep in the coach. Before that, he served me a glass of Gatorade...so sweet. And everyday is like that, a routine that it seems it will never fails...until you realized that you are the only one thinking you are in a routine...you are in a rollercoaster my friend.

It is 10pm and Dylan decided he is not going like the other days to go to bed anytime soon. Brad is taking a break, watching the 200m butterfly in which Phelps did not go for the gold for a silly "no touch" on time. Sorry but Le chot, Le Clod whatever your name is... you really are not that fast, but games are games.

I still don't get why Equestrian is a game..rich and famous, whatever.

Well, Dylan fall asleep again on his own...just wanted to play but sleep conquered. Now mom and dad can have a dinner with a cold beer.

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