Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Be truthful to your choices

It is OUR choice to take Dylan to daycare...again, is OUR choice. We believe it gives him a lot of independence, the opportunity to meet new kids of his age and be in a social environment that we consider is important.

Our choice is based in our beliefs and our own decision about the life we live in, like and what we think is the best life choice for us and our child.

Now, I found interesting that many people have this negative attitude about daycares...especially because they considered they will get sick more times than if they stay at home. I can understand that, but to base their chosen argument in does not sound logic, believe it or not, your child will get sick...eventually. So be it, if you don't feel comfortable with's okay is your kid. But by the other token be sure to say WHY you think your kid should stay at home all the time...I have other cons on it, but if your choice is because you want that, that is your truth and I respect that. But to say you choose that your child stay at home BECAUSE daycare is A, B and C then you are basing your choice not in what you believe but in other's choices. Better say, you choose based not in your truth but rather in the cons of other choice. So what would happen if I can tell you that there are great daycares and kids do not get that sick? If the answer is that your kid will stay at home, then that's great...that's your truth, so then daycare has nothing to do with your decision, so why to bring it in the first place? Got my point? Perhaps no, and that's okay.

By the way, Dylan got sick the first time when he was at home, only at two fo rme that never have been a factor. He will get sick eventually. I actually was quite a sick child and I had a nanny.

Anyway, at the daycare that Dylan goes...there is this woman that she is nice and all but she is a high pro organic. I do not have anything against organic...seriously. I sometimes I have bought organic actually not because is better just because by accident or just because sometimes it looks better than the other ones and I just need a nice good looking tomatoes. Nothing else. I really do not think I want to pay the premium for organic...just because I think I do not want to, period. I found tiring to make explanations about my food choices, really why people will make explanations about food? gosh enjoy your meal...that is sacred to me. I do not care if you did it in your basement, backyard or tailgating at Turner, really, eat.

I come from a family of please I do not need to read more or hear more about pros and cons and whatever is on the farms, and the chemicals and hormones...and yada yada. Whatever. Eat and live, live and eat. Back to my this woman came one day with a whole explanation why she wanted to give organic milk, organic egss to her daughter...because she does not want that her kid become a lady at 9 years old. I am sure, many mothers can be worry about when that time of the ages will come. Has to be difficult. For both, I am a girl remember? I got on puberty quite late by US standards...but in all honesty,  A LOT of my friends were at puberty at 9 years and 10 years old...and food in Panama at that time was pretty much organic okay. If you know a bit of science or decide to google a bit more...hereditary factors are part of the sum of when puberty will start. I am not saying if the amount of possible hormones in our food will have an affect or not, I am not an expert on that although I have research quite a bit of it. There is not enough study about it either...and especially when so many other factors (not only our diet and way of living) are in the game, the answer for me is "I do not know". But this mom instead to say something like "I believe my kid deserve organic because I think is the best food available for us" I would have applaud her. But her choice was base how ignorant the people was to eat other type of food than was not organic. I do have a problem with that. I think she is an ignorant in the subject, since her argument was based by attacking other's people choices of food...weak argument.

I found intersting how so many people defend their choices by critizing and knocking down others beliefs or practices. For example, if a Christian decided to say their God is better than a Muslim because in the Muslim world women do not have major rights. Well that is simply stupid. Say that your God is better because has heard your prayers should be a better answer and a more strong one rather than attack another religion.

I think the entire lack of argument in a decision making process just show how weak a choice can be, and that's why so many people use the childish resource to attack or stating the negative of other's people choices to established a self confidence attitude that their choices are somewhat better. They, actually, could or can be, but unfortunately by attacking other's choices it just loses ground.

I always have abby my decisions by my own and only me, because in that way I am the only accountable to blame for it and the one to go back and say perhaps I should have done better. I should have had a better argument to tell this person WHY I believe this...not why I should decide to attack this person to say that my argument is stronger, is not, would be weak. Sometimes, I admitted, have been hard. There has been ocassions that I blame the stupid driver that cut me off and I missed my exit instead of my lack of planning ahead to change lanes on time. I am not perfect. I do try to enjoy building strong arguments when it comes the time of social discussions about friends and collegues.

I learned in junior high my lesson about a strong argument. And why your choices should be done by your own decision process not by the cons of others. When I was in school, and my Spanish teacher gave me my test back, I had a B-. I was mad, I knew something was wrong. I ran and rechecked my answers and could not find what was wrong. So I asked a classmate for her test and I saw that one of my answer was mark wrong but on hers it was right. I ran to the teacher and I said, that I had one wrong but it was right because my classmate had it right. My teacher sat down and told me to do so, and she told me "Taylor, I will leave the one I marked wrong because you cannot tell me WHY should be right. Your argument about being right is based in another's test. How do you know that I did not make a mistake in her test?" I protested...but she asked me to calm down. Then she said "This is a great lesson for you and I know you won't understand it right now, but think about it...if your argument had been strong and you would explained me why this answer's of yours should be right, I most likely would have changed it to right but you decided to base your argument in other's results, ALWAYS when you want to demostrate your point be prepare and use facts, not other's choices".

Day by day I see how many people blame others by their poor choices, be truth to yourself regardless of what others think or say. Same thing on the presidential war right not tell me that you will vote for Obama because Mitt is worse, or you will vote for Mitt because Obama did not fulfilled his promises.

Everytime those things occurs in front of my eyes...the words of my high school teacher always comes to my mind. She was right, be truthful to your arguments and you will have a fair dicussion; but if you choose to be right on your argument because the negatives of the opposite one, your homework is not done.

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