Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Tear

I have to admit that having a child does change you.

I noticed I am more "in the lookout" for strange things, I get easily irritated when somebody is screaming at a child, I can't watch some programs that includes child abuse even some news that are too sad to even talk about it. Not that I used to run to change the channel to look for those programs, but now I just get too irritated. Too mad and feeling with no power to change the world.

Although I can't control everything that surround me, there are times that you get some news that just break your heart and the only thing that may make you feel a bit better, is to  just give up to tears. Today is the third day of Dylan going to the daycare. After crying that first day, I have been less sad and really excited to see him at the end of the day. It's like Christmas everyday. He is there, happy, smiling...and his smile just do something in my heart that I can't explain. When I was starting to feel better going through that stage of our lives...I got some news on my phone. Also, today, was the birth of the third son of a friend of ours. We knew he had problems. His parents were committed to go to the end and committed to be for him all the time. Information make you more knowledgable but can't prepare you for what you will have to go through. Nothing in life prepares you to say good bye too soon to something so precious. There is no words enough that I can say to make them feel better, but I guess to let them know that they are love and the power of love and family is great than anything else may do something. I feel powerless. Life is so delicate, too many thin lines surround us.

This month in particular have been heating my home plate too much. Another friend is battling with a terrible enemy and I just want to be there for her. I don't feel depressed, just sad. Kind of mad that there are things that nobody should go through. I am not a religious person as you know it by now...and I don't pray. I say things at loud or talk to myself. I really have hard time between logic and faith. But whatever the reason we are here or how we got here, I just hope that whoever is suffering a lost can find strength and get all the love they can from the people surrounding them. Love is all I have to give. It's been said that love cures, love get people together, loves creates give strength to go through sadness and despair.

Today I am picking up Dylan early. I just want to hug him...hug Brad and say how much I love them.

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