Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: A lot things done

It's that time of the year, that you can look back at ALL those days that past and check and recheck what you did.

So on my timeline, I have a couple of important things that I think I should mention before the hour left I have of the 2011:

  • January: I started a new position, went to Mexico City, and got stuck for three days at home due to an ice storm
  • February: Another year of my life and went to Guadalajara
  • March: I woke with the news that an earthquake has hit Japan and then a tsunami warning was for several parts of the world. We never knew how bad was going to be...
  • April: Plans for our vacation started
  • May: Vacation in Japan and Saipan
  • June: The news of our lifes, our first home together AND...we are pregnant! (good to know with a Bloody Mary at hand right?)
  • July: MBA summer was tough and horrible morning sickness kicked in
  • August: Mother to the rescue, she stayed for a month
  • September: I don't remember what happened here...anyone?
  • October: I become a US citizen
  • November: Thanksgiving in Panama
  • December: MBA Graduation!!!!! , and Great Christmas and looking forward for the crazyness to come in 2012!

Upps..wrong day

I have good memory...but not always.

The last time we went for ultrasound was at 28 weeks. And I checked the numbers in the machine and said 3/06/2012 EDD something and then another date of 2/18/ what that means is that my estimated date is March 6th, NOT March 2nd as I was telling people and I don't know WHERE I got the March 2nd.

Brad told me that he thought it was March 6th but since he thought that on dates I most of the time right he said he changed it to March 2nd because he thought he was wrong. But he was right!

So to clarify, Lil' M is due on March my last period date...BUT by its measurments and all that they state a date of 2/18...they haven't change my due date from March...but Brad keep saying is going to be born on Feb 19th and that was before we saw the date of Feb 18th. Nostrabradamus? don't know.

Christmas Tree is done!

Well, we got the Christmas tree before Mother's Day in Panama as my current tradition that I have kept through years with my mother. Finishing it was another two weeks...

My mother and I were the decorators and dinner maker of Christmas in our home. My sister and my Dad never have been quite involved on it, but my mother and I were REALLY into it. I love Christmas...although strangely I have nothing to do with Jesus Christ and the rest of the deal. I guess for me is just a tradition not really the meaning of it but I don't bark about it either. Let people celebrate and believe what they want as long nobody try to brainwash me I am really cool with everything.

Anyway, this year my entire agenda is booked!
1. Last Sunday on the 18th was dinner with the Boones who is Brad's grandmother from the side of his mother. As every year, there was the dinner and the games...our team lost. We got presents for graduation and Christmas and that was really nice since I wasn't expecting anything for even graduation.

2. Christmas shopping is officially the wrapping contest begins...

3. My director gave us Friday off...YUPIEEEEEE love you!!!!! okay let's not get crazy... but thanks a lot! great gift.

4. Today I am picking up some hallacas venezolanas that my friend Yarubi recommended me that is the closest thing she tasted to a Panamanian tamal, not exactly the same obviously but getting that. Let's see how that goes.

5. Still trying to get the Picnic Ham! I can't believe is SO hard to find a ham that needs to be cook in this city! everything is the ready-to-eat cut honey baked ham...AGGGG no no that's NOT my Panamanian ham! got it?

6. Saturday 24th, dinner and Christmas with the Sills, stay overnight (we got a bed and all a room for us...time are changing).

7. Sunday 25th, cooking time and Christmas dinner with the Sill-Taylor and dinner with me, I can't cancel that again!

8. Relax and enjoy the pleasures to be with Brad and Lil Monster.

29 Weeks

Amazingly the last 10 weeks are approaching soon.

I am feeling good but starting to have some concerns...not on the baby but on myself. I am highly independent, I work full time and love it. And I intent to be back at work after the baby gets in daycare.

But I don't want to stop to be me...and I am starting to have that feeling that the "mom of Lil Monster" will stick for awhile and the battle to say I am Maritza AND the mother of Lil Monster will be long. I remember my mother used to get upset about it. "La mama de Maritza y Melanie", "La esposa del Prof Taylor". OUfffff now I got it. What about ME? she used to say.

I am a person, yes a mother, but an individual. I know all the yada yada that people tell me over and over...FINE! stay with it. I don't need to hear it. Seriously, I love you as a friend but if it's your prerogative to talk about your children ALL the time and only post pictures of them ALL the time so be it. I would like to hear what you DO too...but if you decide to be the soccer mom, that's fine. I just strongly will fight it. I don't want to be. I fought and work REALLY hard to get where I am now. And I am proud of it, hell yes.

I know some of you won't understand...I guess you just can't. And that's fine by me too. I will see how this will go.

And yes, I know time of "no sleep" will come. Well you know what? I have been clubbing past my 35's I think I can handle that pretty much. I have travel for weekends and stay up the next day to adjust to the time change...I think I can handle it. And yes, I already have few hours of sleep due to many leg cramping, uncomfortable sleeping positions and so on...Am I ready for what's coming? yes, if I can't sleep then so be it...what's the point to be bitching about BEFORE the fact? What's the point to tell me "wait for..." I don't have to wait. You complaint during your time, let me be.

Is this a blog rant today? I guess. I am tired of annoying "advices" of people that seem to try to make others feel their pain someway and pass it on, shame. Ha! If you have not walk through my shoes then please shush.


So I am trying to go in order here...since I haven't blog anything in months, but with a very good excuse or excuses.

The last weeks of classes were a combination of horrible pain, headaches and finally a gripe that didn't go away until three weeks later. Rhinitis is common during pregnancy but for me it turned in a mix of sinusitis with killing pain. As you noticed, I survived.

My group was the LAST to present for the last class...just imagine that. Turned out I didn't get the grade I was expecting I was going to get at the beginning of the semester but I really don't care. And I mean it. I didn't care. I didn't take time to write the professor how unfair he was on  one of my grades, for what? Did I am going to become CEO for have a 4.0 GPA? nope. So be it...move on, I really don't want to even put a finger near an university for awhile. Not that I hated it but I just mentally drained of student behavior, study in general, books, papers and cases.

If I heard about Pandora, Ice-Fili, and even about how Brown Forman (for the ones who doesn't know that's Jack Daniel's) I am going to have a heart attack.

You know what is the most sad part of all? Is that I was talking about Jack Daniel's and I couldn't drink a darn drop of alcohol after it. Sacrifice? Yes it is. It is a BIG sacrifice not to drink, all for the health of Lil' M. Oh well I hope s/he appreciates it later on in life...or is going to be a harddddd way.

Here is my pic with Dean Huss and the Dean Assistant Toby, of course I look like I am grabbing their asses...ho ho ho.