Sunday, October 9, 2011

Beer and the Little Monster

Little Monster,
I love you.
I can feel you move
And is funny you like to be in the right side of my belly
It feels like a hardball and when mommy and daddy put their hands over, you move away
Not sure yet what are your intentions
We are starting to think how you would look like
What I can tell you now is that even I am happy
I sam still doing one of the biggest sacrifices of my life
Not drinking beer
I know sound selfish
But I have work really hard and grow up until my 18's to be able to drink such wonderful drink
I hope that you like it too when you get in that age
I hope I don't have to see you like a stupid drunk in TV when we send you to college
Oh yes because you are going to college or you are going to work full time
No excuses
Mommy and daddy will use money to continue traveling
We will be old too old
By the way we love you
I just wish to be able to get a drink today or any other day
But some scientist said that is really BAD for you at this stage
So we are waiting eagerly for March
So when you are out the first thing after I have you in my arms
and while you are breastfeeding...
I know a cold nice beer will be waiting for me in the fridge

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