Sunday, November 27, 2011

25.5 Weeks

Lil is moving so much that it wakes me up!

People have asked me many times what I think it is...boy or girl. Nothing, I call him/her Lil Monster which my counsin Yessica hates it. Sorry but we just called it really lovy dovy that way and we actually like it.

Whatever it is such a kickboxer and fighter. I am in training. It really moves all around, a lot...can't imagine this getting bigger? Really?

From the last doctor's appointment and prenatal visit Lil is doing great. Everything is normal and moving forward. Data as of Nov 17:

Weight: a bit over 2lbs
Size: is two weeks ahead of my current timeline
Due date: remains for March 2
Brad's guess: Feb 19
Sex guess for the majority that have talked to me is: boy
Our personal guess: none in particular

Thanksgiving - a lot to say Thanks for

We went to Panama for 2011 Thanksgiving, it was almost a dream trip. First of all since I got pregnant and with heavy morning sickness the closest to an airport was my workplace.
I miss getting on a plane, the rush of getting to the gate and waiting for my seat assigned. I couldn't sleep the night before and I really wasn't much 100% productive at work until it was time to go. Unfortunately, one of my directors didn't get I needed to catch a plane and it was asking one thousand things in 2 hours.
I have a LOT to give thanks to: my mother, even the discussions with my father, my sister with such a nice flower arrangement, my friend Cristina who organize with my mother the gathering and the balloons, my aunt Reyna for the ceviche and games, my aunt Beni for the excellent arroz con guandu y coco as only an islander knows how to do it, mi cousin Yessica and my grandmother for the tamales, Vera for the cake, and Elizabeth that couldn't assist for such great cookies. And so many others that show up to say that they care for me and my family. I have no words to thank enough. Although I told my mother I was going to Panama with very few days ahead, they planned such a nice party in no time. For the ones that couldn't be advice on time I apologize, and for the ones who were able to come I was really humble for such gesture of love and excitement for us.

Travel Systems

I think we will be going with the Britax B-Agile or B-Ready. I like the B-Ready. It comes in basic colors which is fine for us, we anyway won't know the sex of the baby. We would like a light-green for sure, but oh well. Red is all good. So here it take out the stroller car seat and put the infant car seat and just one click away, plus it has several configurations. Pretty handy. And we can take the tires out so it will take less space in the trunk. Of course that's another thing...trunk space. I guess at the time of travelling we will have to reduce quite a bit our own clothing selection, but it's possible. And no...there will be NO changes on cars. We both hate vans, no offense, we just do not like them. Price tag including the infant cart seat USD 500.00 Freakin' pricey...I know there are others at half price basically, but they look SO bulky.

Child Seat

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cars, Bassinets, Cribs...and Monkeys

Yesterday was a discovery day for the Monster Parents.

Afterwork we went to Baby's R Us to check, on a pillow for me...of course since we were there...we decided to do more than a sneak peak to the store. Reality sets in. I mean, my belly is growing and yes, we are pregnant...there IS something growing there and it will, eventually (thanksfully because my aches are increasing), come out. But you know, is still there. Inside me. There is not something crying, or babbling or just making a noise that we can say "uh oh a baby is here". But yesterday was...waow...we are overwhelmed.

We checked the things to carry a baby in your chest...we agreed we liked the slings, but they didn't have any as we like it...they were more like a camping gear thing. Then it came the car I need a new paragraph.

Car seats, what we should know about them? At first, well nothing. I mean we were quite clueless looking at ALL of them (more than 50 in exhibition) and still not understanding WHY we had to buy one of each. Until a guy came in and explain it all in less than 100 words. I trully appreciate practicality you know. I don't want to hear the entire life awaking that was you having a kid...I, obviously, will find it out soon but I just want to know about car seats simply put. Don't bring me the NASA bullshit that I don't need. So the guy was up to the point and in 10 minutes we basically knew what we needed. Now of course is all about which one...consumer reports, consumer reviews...that will be another task. We don't want to be cheap but we do have a budget and we will stick with it.

Strollers...Pack n Plays...uh now the thing...they came in combos with built in bassinet, but then we saw a tiny wooded bassinet that we just like it...and is a rocking one. But we will need a pack n play too...uhhh ahhh decisions, decisions! We still don't get why ALL the babies in the posters 1. look alike 2. there is always cereal involved 3. they always look extremely clean. See, advertising and marketing always making shit up.

Then, the rocking chairs...we said go for it. No no we didn't buy any but we will have one. And I already put my eye in the one I like. Thanskfully none of us has spent any of our monthly (or lack of) bonuses this we know where they are going to ended up.

Cribs vs Bassinets. We agreed that crib and all the nursery stuff will be done after the baby is born. There is first of all no rush on it. The baby will be in our room for the first months, most likely in a bassinet or small crib. We did like everything about animals, especially there were some cute monkey elements around ...we just love it! and that's when it hit us. We ARE going to be parents, we ARE going to have a baby. We sat down for an hour in the rocking chairs and talk like forever. Decisions are in the making...where to live, what to do, cars, when to buy things, order of things, deadlines, and finances...I love that Brad is such a financial savvy and logical in those matters. Make things way easier. I don't think I would ever embark in parenthood without that.

So we left with my snoogle pillow that made miracles yesterday along with my other pillows. Today is pampering Maritza day! I am using a massage gift card that Brad gave me for my Bday...yeah back in February!!! and then I am going to do my nails...I am for sure almost like a sloth, my nails are huge. I mean huge..they are not only long but like big. Toes..uh let's leave it at that.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Incredible Things

Seating down with my laptop and trying to finish the last part of my project about Entrepreneurship from the US to Latin America (yes, is taking me forever)...I noticed that suddenly my tshirt was moving ...YES, moving! I pulled up my tshirt and I just saw my entire belly moving from one side to the other. I think this is not normal, at this moment I think I should scream very loud and say something "there is something inside me! help me!!! what the hell is this!!" Like coming from an Alien movie. Of course that's not the case...but it's just so amazing that I can see it...and feel it. I really don't know what to say just that I need to write it.

Lil Monster is growing so far healthy and it reacts and me pushing him or her. It lovessss my right side and seems to do something near the top of my belly because my stomach feels really squeeze and I get full really quickly. How people gain weight???

My belly is getting bigger and bigger. I am getting tired and sleepy hence having trouble finishing stuff like homework.

I still need to make my photo shoot but I have somebody in mind to ask for those photos...uhmmm H?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bigger Me

I am getting bigger...that's a fact. I will realy in the Miracle of Life to get back to normal. I am, in all honesty, getting anxious to know Lil Monster. Today I saw the kid of a co worker...and okay the kid doesn't look ANYTHING like him. I am starting to worry this kid will look like? Like is sole son/daughter of Brad or me? or a combination? The entire dilemma of hybrids kids came to place...

Finishing school is almost agonizing. I feel no interest whatesover but I must finish. Few weeks to go and a lot of stuff is starting to overcome my brain cells. Too many things to discuss about the future. I am freaking out...are we ready for all this? For the very first time, the financial aspect of everything is the least of my worries. We have been doing a great job in budgeting and already leaving like we have a daycare payment to take care of. But, what about the house...I want a nursery when that will be due? what about the crib...aren't we need to be buying stuff? are we going to live here? then where? and on and on and on...the extra hour given by the daylight saving time is not helping me today.

Lil M is growing, is kicking harder everytime...the good news is that I know s/he is fine and Brad is felling it and getting excited about it. His face gets so bright when it happens. I am just amazing how beatiful my boyfriend gets just to tell me nice things like everything will be fine...even I know he is worry too.

Today we watched the last part of show called "Life Before Birth" in Discovery Channel...we catched the show in the last part of birthing. I didn't want to cry but I got so emotional.  I just found it they are repeating in 10 minutes...darn I am not going to sleep yet...going to bed late again!!!!

Anyway things are going well in general with Lil Monster...she/he is growing and taking a lot of my energy, fighting with part of body for space...

I just remember that I ask for ice cream today...but didn't see any in the freezer, did Brad forgot? I hope not, I really want ice cream (I know I didn't remember an hour ago but I do now!)..this could be a long night if I don't get ice cream now.

Just in the right place

So what I did this week?

My friend Erwin, who has been over 20 years Pen Pal with me since I was in high school came to Atlanta for a concert with a friend...directly from Aruba. We finally met at the Hard Rock Cafe. Catch on old times. He still is one of the few people I know with the most beautiful handwriting I have ever known. It was good to know that even with letters, emails and now FB nothing for me is like the feeling of a good handshake, hug or eye to eye contact to say hello to an old friend.

This week was Patriotic Week in Panama. There is the celebration of Independence from Colombia on Nov 3rd and then from Spain on Nov 28th just because we love to independence ourselves more than one time in life and be different than the rest of the other countries of the world who has one...except for few others. So, somebody decided to make a celebration of it, here in Atlanta ...and Brad, Lil Monster and me showed up at Aurum Lounge to get down on celebrations. It was fun...some war between the DJ's...but at the end the Panamanian one won. I mean his music was much better than the gangsta whatever other was trying to playing.

Returning from the party I decided that it was time to check the mail. For some reason it was necessary to check the mail at two in the morning with my feet hurting and the beginning of a ligament pain that was going to be worse the next day or better say later on...anyway, what was on the mail? My brand new US passport and card! Yiai!!! Now, I am officially a US citizen. Take that! Of course, now I need to go to the Social Security to update my records, to the DMV to change my license and update my address, so then I can go to the tax tag office to update my records of my car...and update my records at work too.

Back to Lil work is almost a normal thing that is obvious I am pregnant. Yes I am. The belly shows and is getting bigger. Anyway there will be an entirely new post about a couple of seconds. Hold on.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween and more

So the cat is out of the box as of yesterday night. I was in class and the question was there "Am I pregnant"...HELL YEAH !!! I am! a lot of congrats and smiles. I was happy, it felt nice.

At work there are still some lookouts for "what's that" but no question is ask...I guess women have the fame to get pissed about weight issues. I don't, perhaps because I never had that issue. Anyway here is a pic with my semi Halloween you see I put two pirate headbones: a big one and a tiny one hehehe.

Now, it seems I have a small belly but gosh Lil Monster grew...because I feel huge. I mean HUGE.

Sinusitis in full force. Yes, another year suffering this crap and this time I am suffering big time thanks to pregnancy BECAUSE you can't take anything...only tylenol and a couple of other things that have never work for me. So I am dealing with the fact to be sick and so be it. Lil Monster will deal with me when s/he is out. Mommy is not happy right now.