Sunday, November 27, 2011

25.5 Weeks

Lil is moving so much that it wakes me up!

People have asked me many times what I think it is...boy or girl. Nothing, I call him/her Lil Monster which my counsin Yessica hates it. Sorry but we just called it really lovy dovy that way and we actually like it.

Whatever it is such a kickboxer and fighter. I am in training. It really moves all around, a lot...can't imagine this getting bigger? Really?

From the last doctor's appointment and prenatal visit Lil is doing great. Everything is normal and moving forward. Data as of Nov 17:

Weight: a bit over 2lbs
Size: is two weeks ahead of my current timeline
Due date: remains for March 2
Brad's guess: Feb 19
Sex guess for the majority that have talked to me is: boy
Our personal guess: none in particular

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