Monday, September 26, 2011

What can a Pumpkin Latte does?

I am stealing this phrase from someone else. I know is coffee, and even for some of you sound disgusting coffee+pumpkin...let me tell you that is GREAT, and more ways than just a drink.

I had several issues, some unresolved, others needed time with a friend (from whom I stole the phrase). Conversations has started to take place...thanks to the pumpkin latte, how come? Well it says that wars can start with many factors, but peace can be resolve with a single white flag...that flag was a pumpkin latte.

So we are having a pumpkin latte once a week at least and conversations are taken place. I don't think issues are resolve in one drink, it will take severals. But at least the pumpkin is there. Which is the willingness to communicate and say things.

I am glad the pumpkin is coming up because I really wanted to tell my friend that I am having a little pumpkin and I wanted that her be part of him/her. I only hope my kid have a lot of pumpkins in his/her life.

16 Weeks: The Procession of Don Bosco

And you will be thinking who the hell is "Don Bosco". Well I am not a religious person but I was raised in Catholisism and all that jazz...I even did my first communion in the Basilica of Don Bosco, just take it for granted it IS a big big church. And I had my communion there because it was one of the few churches that still had the first communion in long dress...justi magine I wanted a long dress, hence my mother was taking me to church class every Saturday 20 minutes away from home...just for that! To become an agnostic at 35 hahaha.

ANYWAY, so this morning sickenss is like a step forward, two steps backwards...I am not sure how I will be ending in my final destination.

Things are not that just that gosh I really want to feel hungry and eat. A negra modelo would be nice...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Stupid questions for stupid people

Four months and counting.
Yesterday was our 16 weeks doctor's appointment. Some highlights:
  • I was feeling really bad
  • I haven't get 5+ hours of sleep in three days
  • My belly is like stretching side to side and it feels really uncomfortable
  • We get there early and they made us wait 1.5 hours to be attended for 10 minutes, this person was one of the rotational doctors not my primary one.
  • We hear the heartbeat...strong and sound
Recap, We checked in and the wait starts...I don't understand what is the point to make an appointment at certain time, tell the person to check in EARLY and you will have to wait way more than you should. I think that I should get back some money in return for that. I hate this type of service and I am going to complaint. This is all bullshit. Simple as that.

So I told the nurse that I have been with some cramping, no bleeding, no spotting (which is ALWAYS good at this stage) and she asked me "have you drink water?" and you know I have problems with stupid questions. And I am going to tell you why they are stupid at certain point. I gave an urine sample EVERY time I get there, before the actual appointment. So they get the results. I am not dyhadrated. I have drank water, I know not like a gallon as they intent...but I just can't drink that amount because if not I will throw up. Throwing up and you WILL get dyhadrated. So I answered and try to explain to the mamoth of nurse I had in front of me that "I know, I am drinking as much as I can but I can tell you right now that I am not going or have drink 64 ounces of water per day". So she try to say that the cramps were due to the lack of water. REALLY WOMAN??? I understand CLEARLY the significance of water...but first if I haven't drank 64oz of water since I was born until now...and I had two days ago a cramp that woke me up, wouldn't you be checking something else? If it's that then the water issue should come up a week ago. But it didn't. And anyway...the previous doctor told me (and I said this) that I shouldn't get crazy to get on the water, that is a normal standard because there are people who doesn't drink any at all...but whatever I could get was fine. Is the same thing as the sushi...I bet in Japan pregnant women are not stopping eating sashimi!

When the doctor came in, the water conversation was not even mention. What it was mention, is that most likely my uterus is growing since the pain is in each side of my belly. I have some cysts and those can cause some pain time to time. Plus my placenta needs to move a bit. Saying that...why is the thing about water again? I can understand you want me to drink water, and I agree with that...but if I am telling you that to drink that amount of water will cause my throwing up hence dyhadration what is the point? think outside the box for a moment and think in the patient and the circumstances.

I just can't tolerate stupid questions especially when I am feeling crappy.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Helper returned home

It was time for my mom to return to Panama...I know she was getting tired too, plus she had a lot of stuff undone that she has to take care. I will see her soon, I know that.

She had been of GREAT help. For sure Brad and I needed to regroup and realize that our lifes already are changing and we needed to tackle my morning sickness in a better way. The presence of my mom helped both of us to now go in our own and get things done.

I am feeling better hopefully the morning sickness will go away by the end of the fourth month so I can fly to Panama to see my family and friends. The belly is starting to grow but still I do not need to change to other clothes.

I definely miss the empty room without her there, we had a lot of long conversations and this time our conversations were so much different than before. I have grow up, now we both will be mothers. I can't be more fortunate right now...wait, okay I take that back...if I can eat a nice burger from The Vortex would be awesome with a cold Samuel Adams...okay okay kidding!


So, okay I know is not YET my time, but I was starting watching stuff about childbirth, labor and such and I am starting to get nervous. For the ones who doesn't know...I am a big, BIG coward about pain. I hate pain...I can't tolerate pain. I got to the doctor at the moment I feel whatever thing an over the counter medication can't get through in 24 hours.

I have been through several pains in my life though...I have broke an arm, my right the middle of my third year in college, NOT a good time to do so especially if you are right handed. Don't ask me how I did it but I ended up even making mechanical plot drawings for me and making money from my classmates. Then later on I had a couple of surgeries, nothing major but pain was involved. Everytime I had those minor encounters with a surgeon or a doctor I always asked: "Does childbirth hurts like this?" and the only answered I got was a consistant laugh and a "omg no dear, that one is wayyy worst than this". That didn't sound good.

I actually hope to get through know, nobody tells you that being pregnant is in stages. Nothing is guarantee and I am starting to worry about many things in the meantime. If I am eating well, if I am getting angry when I should relax, if I am getting enough sleep so the baby can get all that it the most terrifying ones who are I can't feel the baby yet and I am hearing that some people at this stage do...and I don't!  I have my 4 months appointment next week and I am suffering of anxiety already to listen to the heartbeat, when I will know for sure the sex of the baby? So many questions and little answers that you get though the meantime. It's an eternal up and downs of worry and then joy. Nobody tells you that...only that "it's normal, you will be fine".

I am glad most people have the courage to believe that I will do just like that...fine, but right now I am like a nervous ball.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Baby Center

 I am not against only girl schools but I do have my reservations about it. I don't like to be around with only girls and there is a motive for that. Women are cool but in big amounts can be really annoying to me. I just can't stand them in big quantity.

I am an active, if you can say that, member of the Baby Center board for the women who estimated delivery date "EDD" is March 2012. There are some posts about certain pains, worries about miscarriages, remedies for the morning sickness. Then there are the posts that I have trouble with. Most of the time I ignore them, sometimes I can't. I guess is an ego thing of telling  people how stupid they can be. No, I don't tell them "your post is stupid", but I tried to make reasonably, objective comments when-most of them- are stay at home mothers, do not work and intent to bitch about their working husbands ALL day. Do I win something with it? No, I don't. I don't know these people (heck I hope I never met them anyway) and they don't know me.

Yesterday, I got in a back and forth discussion with the board owner because she imply a question that I made as a "possible" violation of one of the guidelines. I answered accordingly, and Brad made me realize I was discussing with an idiotic woman somewhere in this earth that obviously has a serious issues of understanding simply dictionary definitions and was using her own poor judgement to make an unnecessarily warning.

Lesson learned? Yes. I think I do not need that board in my life. Why I would go to a place in which 1/2 of the women there not only use God and hormones as the only excuse of how they feel and has nothing else to do that just be on their pc posting 24/7; the other 1/4 only bitch about their husbands or significant other and the rest, which you have to hurdle to go through  the other non sense, are the ones that I really would like to read and share. But I should know this since the's a board full of women, I learned my lesson well. If I have to read something that I have a concern about, I will google and if not I just call my doctor.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Boss

Okay last week I was the one who was kind of mad at my boss because he said something he shouldn't said. I guess this time around is my fault.

You know, I won't blame it to my hormones. I just would not. This time is my fault. I sent an email out of the blue with no major logical support from my side and complaint. Although I would get a point on my side IF and only IF I showed a more proactive action yesterday. And of course, all depends on the tone of the email.

I have improved quite a lot through the time since I am starting to work here...five years ago. I used to tend to send emails as I speak or think which normally means a series of words like trouble, problematic, non team player, complainer, etc etc.

Even Sam and I are having a good relationship boss-employee and in part that's why I applied this position (it took me awhile gain his trust...and a lot of chocolate) that does not mean I can tell him whatever I want to say at whatever time. This time I blew it. And I feel bad about it. Really bad. I can't give him chocolates (besides he will give them back to me later on) since he is on a diet or will get anorexic through the time (seriously). Perhaps get him today a salad.

Okay I really have to get something to eat or whatever my stomach REALLY hurts.

Ten to Fifteen Words

Something that is quite different from my culture to this one, is that there is no such thing of "lack of words" in Panama. People can spend over 30 words to just say how their day was.

I am especially a creative one. There is no story, I mean NO story that I can tell you without telling two or more other stories that not necessarily are related to the original one and still make sounds, use my hands, fringe or use any kind of tools or help to say the story(ies) that I was telling. No way on earth I can tell you how I am feeling with only "okay". No way! How can I do that? If you asked me "how are you feeling today?" I will start with "well, more or stomach is still upset..." and there I go, telling from the stupid guy who cut me in the highway and suddenly start talking about my test for tonight. Half of it will be related with what I feel the other half not so much. I never have paid attention to the fact I do that. Until, well my boyfriend or other friends in here just said..."do you notice you are in the third story that has nothing to do with the first one?".

I actually notice is somewhat hereditary. I have catched my mother doing the same. OMG and don't stop to check out on my grandmother...the all story tellers of all times. She can start saying something about one cousin and you can get lost about who she is ended up talking. I found it funny, I guess some other can find it annoying...but it all goes with culture.

So one of the Big Three told me today that I should sustain an analysis short within 10-15 words. THAT is quite a challenge. The analysis actually is simple, but to keep it in 10-15 words I will have trouble with it. Why ten...why fifteen? decimal system? Does he like fives'? I know Wade from long ago now, he was my GM then my Director...and I know him. He is quite a systematic individual that reads and see things like an eagle, politically perfect I really think he can run for governor. See? I was talking first about something else and I ended up with a totally different subject.

Wish me luck...10-15 we go.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Friends List

I have a long list of friends in my Facebook, but the reality I think half of them are not "really" why I have them? A quarter of them ever say hi or remember what we had in common...some school stuff I guess but nothing else. But then you are open to see some of my pics and comment on them.

I have to say that most of them are okay and normal, fine etc. The ones that bothers me are the ones that their only way to be happy in life is to put comments about their political party in their Wall. And that's fine is THEIR Wall hence they are free to post whatever they the other side, I have the right to avoid to read over and over in "My Feed" what you have to say. I really don't care. I don't care about the 1000 posts about your Christians beliefs in the spooky guy up there aka God. I don't care if you think that democrats has the answers to every single problem on earth and that republicans are to blame. And the ones that really annoys me the more, are the ones of xenofobic connotation of any kind and still they denied they are. So what I do with something like that? You do not belong to be my friend. I think at this stage of life I CHOOSE who is going to be my friend. I don't care if you think you are awesome ...for the rest of the world perhaps. But I am not the rest of the world...if you are invite to be my friend, you will received one. I have conciously check that you deserve to be my friend.

It would sound cocky, perhaps, but that's the beauty to be an adult so self confident and enjoy the freedom and power of choice. I do like friends, I have friends and I need them. I have close friends but those...are less than the fingers of my hand.  They know if they want an advice from me what I say is because I love them and I am really trying to give them help highly objective. Those are the ones that I can call at midnight and say "I need you to take me to the doctor" and they would not bail on me.

Friends for me are not an easy cake...they deserve my attention, respect, care and love...I expect the same in return.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I always like complaining in this blog but I have to say that right now I am happy. We went to Chinatown for dinner...which is one of my fav places to go in Atlanta. Now if you leave up north don't get all excited because it's not like real's a plaza with bunch of chinese stores and a food court. I always go to China Kitchen and I can say we have been awarded with several stars from the owners since we have been going so many times we even don't have to say what are we going to order  because they already know...they even modified our selection so we can try new stuff.  I just love the fish hot pot..I am addicted to it...seriously.

Shui zhu yu (don't ask me how to pronounce it...I just can't but since is for eating that what it counts)

We took my mom so she now know some of the places that I keep saying "I can't stop eating that food". Last week we went to China Inn...same plate but beef...oh gosh is SOOO good and so spicy unfortunately my mom can't eat those...but we got her trying several others. Today she said "I will try those sticks" referring to the chopsticks. And walla...the moment she took them she just started pick up food and all like a mother can keep surprising me so many times.

Do's and Dont's

After enjoyed almost all my life of doing whatever I's amazing that still society fight with you about those "things" that you should "not" do.

You born and your parents tell you the hell bunch of stuff that you should not do.
You go to school and bunch of other people tell you another stuff that you should not do.
You go to the university and STILL you meet bunch of other people that tell you what you should not do.
You go to adult age and the state tell you that you have some "rights" BUT there are plenty of other things that you should not do if not things will go plain wrong.

Then you passed all that you are a professional and you do whatever you want taking in account all those things you still should not do...some you do anyway.

Then you go to the doctor and they tell you that you cannot eat this and that because...and here is my argument why? So I can't eat (supposedly) Feta cheese because the REAL feta cheese is not pausterized. You know I love Pasteur I think he was a great chemist...but not in hell I like the feta cheese out of Publix. I do like the REAL feta cheese. If you have been in Greece like me or in a very good Greek restaurant you know what I am talking about.  Sushi...okay really? so what Japanese women do??? stop eating sushi HELLOOOO give me a break on that. Actually I think this is all about every person sue whoever they want regardless of a true argument in this country, that's why.

BTW today I had a greek salad for lunch with feta cheese not sure if it's pausterized or not...I really don't care.

Moody Blues

I have been talking a lot with my mom and that has helping me a lot...still I feel upset about almost going out and throwing out everything I just ate. I just can't pass over it. I guess I just need time and patience...whatev.

The weather looks perfect to fly somewhere...not sure where but I have study to do, my mom is here and I promised to take her to a mall which I actually want to go to check some baby stuff and see if I can check a Thrift store on Saturday. Hopefully I will wake up in good mood...thinking positive.

Yesterday I was watching several episodes of "I didn't know I was pregnant" in Health Discovery...pretty interesting, shocking and revealing...what a lucky women in someway because it was almost like an adoption just like with your own baby. Heck you didn't suffered of anything and walla! heck you are pregnant now push and...there you go it's a baby girl!!!!

9/11 is coming again...and I know everything will be a bombshell of all the stories. I don't think I will read or watch anything about it. I don't want those things in my head right now. Okay, I lied again. Darn it! So I did watch THE WAR yesterday about the war in Tarawa (WWII)...and how the different aspects of fighting segreation in Mobile, Alabama, the concentration camp against the Japenese Americans in the West Coast and how blacks and japanese americans wanted to fight for a country that was giving its back just because they weren't look americans e.g. white.  That got me and I got REALLY upset, I didn't finish it because I fell asleep. Then today I read a story about a pilot in a flight from Tokyo to San Francisco during the 9-11 attacks and what they had to do to land the plane in US soil.

Well got the news my boss decided to say more  that he was authorized to say about my I am getting a lot, I mean a LOTTTT of chocolates for his mouth and I am enjoying a little bit of his guiltiness feeling. He is a good guy but should stop drinking those Rockstar drinks sometimes.

Brad was talking to my dad over the phone yesterday night...I never enjoy much that because my dad ALWAYS said things about me that are not entirely true even I know he said it in a good way. He is suffering because he had to do laundry hahaha time dad to do something for yourself!

Okay I am getting through a Mexican candy...and I am about to gag now. I like it but I hate it...can't get the flavor yet. Not sure I am going to finish this shit...aggg. Okay Sam decided to put like three M&M, 2 chocolate granola bars, and one fruit snack, that's his way to say "I am sorry". Men, men, men.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

14 Weeks

Eh no pictures. You know what is funny, I thought during pregnancy you had like one thousand pics of your every week or disappointing. I mean s/he ALREADY made clear that s/he is there because someone (not him/her apparently) will be miserable and that has to be mommy, ha! jeez thanks, if our relationship is already based in this type of arguments...I see a LONG way ahead with this kid. Patience is something I never had. Funny, my mother always told me that every single of your sins you paid it alive if you have it now.

Anyway so 14 weeks and counting...that's a good sign hopefully for better because I am getting hungry but STILL I can't eat what I it's kind of confusing. Hungry but throwing up...not so good together, right? Belly signs are starting to come up...can't wait to see some faces around when this thing starts to really bumps out...hahaha ayyy can't wait. I guess that will be my best laughing part of the whole story.

I woke up in bad mood, I had a strange dream about a conversation I had with a coworker yesterday before I left for class. He is nice and all but sometimes it gets me in my mood especially because he is SOOOO egoman. I just don't get what's the deal with the ego thing. It's okay to have it but when it goes overboard can be asfixia for a person like me, and I just don't deal with it. But anyway my day is coming up better than my dream because I got my stuff done, well almost done but my sas job with my last touch (on my own) got running. Yiai for me.

I was suppose to have lunch with my ex boss when now seems far far away...aggg and I am so hungry and I really need to get something going on my stomach NOW.

The great news today is that I convinced my mother to stay couple of days more. Yesterday I broke up in tears for no reason that I felt alone. I hugged her and beg her to stayed and she DID!!! I know my dad and my sister and the rest of my family including my beautiful niece Mia (she is so cute on the phone) wants her back but Maritza needs mommy a little bit guys have her for the other 330 days of the year!!! Brad hugged me and I cried again...I don't know, yesterday I was quite hormonal I guess. He is so sweet, and i know all that make him sad because he miss his family too. Well let's not get moody or I will start crying again...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

4 AM

It says that Second Trimester is the time that most women experience the "best" time during their pregnancy. Well there is a discrimination apparently in that "most" because I am out of it. I feel like crap today. After a weekend of feeling some kind of re-energy built through my gone. I think this child doesn't like me to go to work, and have some issues with Panamanian food too. Yesterday I ate one of my favorite "arroz con pollo" (chicken with rice all mix in one thing) and I just couldn't hold it. Poor mom, she was disappointed because she really thought I was going to hold it. I barely ate like 8 spoons...I swear and it was all gave up to the toilette. What I ate later? KFC mashed potatoes with gravy and coleslaw, southern kid! suffering from cholesterol at this early stage in life hahaha.

And that was just fine...until today at 4am. I suddenly woke up because no position satified my body. I have no belly really...I mean almost nothing, just kind of a bump. I keep rubbing it and talking to it like some kind of nerd saying things be good to mommy...daddy is worry because I look sick and all that...what I got? some kind of gas response. It feels retarded's like what I am doing? talking to my belly, really? I mean his/her ears are not fully developed yet so s/he can't hear.

Oh yes, back to 4am...sorry I write as I spoke (I change themes in matter of seconds) so I woke up, couldn't sleep...suddenly Brad woke up and he is like..."do you need that I do something?" he is so sweet, really but what he can do? nothing really. I said " I am I think I am going to throw up" and so be it, I went to the porcelain hall of fame...ended with a horrible headache that I still have. I feel like dying in all honesty. By 6am I got a pouched egg which I love and some crackers. I stayed with the plate over my chest for about an hour and then I got up...since well we have to go to something called work. It really was more than an hour but I felt like an eternal flu (I guess, since I haven't get the flu here...just a cold).

So back to the "most women" whatever...I really HOPE this improves if not I am really going to get in a depression...seriously, this is awful. And don't tell me again "it's going away" because is not. Okay, sorry I am just sensitive and negative today. Okay back to boss just catch me writing this shit.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Helper

My mother came two weeks ago to help me out while I have been in such kneeling habits with the Porcelain God.
The food has been amazing, and even she helped on cleaning...I think Brad is reconsidering his food habits again, not that they were bad and we actually ate pretty good...but my mom food is you know..."mom's food".
HOPEFULLY we will be able to travel soon back to Panama...I need to see my friends and rest of my family plus my cousing Yessica told me that my grandmother belly touch can predict better than an ultrasound the sex of the baby OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Plus I am craving tamales...I found mamon in HMart the other day can you believe it? mamon!!!

Last of the Mohicans

You know what is the BAD luck to be the last of your friends lists to get pregnant?
I can tell you about it.
Is that everybody seems to know now what you must do because they did it. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my friends...and I do appreciate advices. But the reality I am not the "all mommy" style. And I know that's why many of them are still in shock I am actually pregnant...heck I am in schock too. I mean ME? the all liberal one? well I am. I am still pro choice, I still consider women have way more power than they think and I am not a religious/church believer and I won't change that part of me. Which part I have changed? Well not by choice I can tell you that.

Why I decide it? I don't know. I guess in part the fear that I really wouldn't be able to have a child...ego? perhaps. Is Brad choice too and so be it is not fair to deprive somebody you love of something that they love too. That is harder than I thought? HECK YEAH! This shit is taking every bit of my accumulative energy. I feel weak most of the time and in bad mood. Hormones? Not sure...a mix of everything I guess. I do miss beer though. I do. I miss to drink. People say you really won't miss it. Sorry, I don't think you have to miss it....I DO. I do miss my Ron Abuelo too.

I haven't take a pic of myself because first of all not sure if I want to be posting pictures of me and my growing belly, we'll decide later. Yes, I know for many is the "best time" of their lives...but for just another stage. See and here is why?

I am too busy in my head to be thinking ONLY of this. Sound weird but it is. I am too busy.
Did I say I am finishing my MBA? oh yes...amazingly I am studying AND working at the same time. I am not sure how I am doing all these three things but there are days I just want to cry and I have. Pufff I cried the other day like a baby.

I know when I start feeling the baby moving I will get more on my baby gears stuff...but right now I am thinking how to prepare myself for this  week, finishing the analysis that Roberto wanted me to finish before Labor Day weekend and I didn't because we had a misunderstanding about a data and then I have to prepare for a case that I may or may not discuss in my Negotiation Class for Tuesday AND still fight with my stupid complex that has the worse AC system ever and has cost us big chunk of money in our power bill for negligence from their part. And still I haven't get the car for oil change and I am way over due.

I actually never thought that writing in these blogs make me feel so good. You will get bored of me.

The Most far

Of course no blog can't be without a RANT! queja, querella...whatever:

Breakfast: I don't like breakfast. I have never be a person who eats breakfast. I like to get one cup of coffee and that's it. Life WAS great. Now I have to eat salt crackers ( Oh I don't like crackers either) in bed which is disgusting to have all those crumps over me. Brad has to run, sleepy man, to do some sandwich of some sort or a cereal before I start throwing up. Yes, I am still kinda of a miserable break because I do suffered from morning/lunch/dinner sickness.

Lunch: Most of the time is okay but I need to divided it in two or three parts. So I basically start at 11.30 and will be finishing around 2pm. So ridiculous.

Snacks: I don't snack...I HATE IT. Actually I never was raised snacking. My mother will give me carrots to watch cartoons. Cheese whiz, potato chips? nope.

Dinner: I used to have a big dinner...again I divided in two. Then take my vitamins.

Around 9-10 falling asleep like a bear.  And everything starts fun fun.

Oh hydration...yeah because you have to drink like a water fountain. yeaks! I am still having troubles with that...have tried everything and I am doing my best.

The GOOD news is that I can eat all the hot pot that I like in Chinatown so I am really really happy about it

12 Weeks - The Jumping Little Monster

And here is our Little Monster!!!
Amazing isn't it?
We just can't believe that THING is growing inside me. I still don't have a bump o barriguita...pero ahi viene. Y eso que yo vengo de una casa cientifica y pienso como una cientifica, nada te prepara para cuando te ponen el ultrasonido...y boom boom boom escuchas el latido...que eso eso? de veda veda? waow...y la cabeza, y los deditos...Brad says he counted all five...I hope he meant all five of ONE hand! My mom was there, she came visit for a two weeks and she has been such a great help. Moms are unbelievable. My mom was laughing because Brad's face was like not sure amusing, are incredibly funny.
My risks came out amazingly good. Again the ticking clock right? So they put you this risks because after 30 you are like 35 you are basically dead...and me, 37...having a child at 38 is like miracle science. the risks of down syndrome are for a woman giving birth at 38 are 1:155 there are some charts more nice than the one the Prenatal Consultants used...and my odds for that came as 1:3081 and for trisonomy 13&18 the odds are 1:283 and mine came in as 1:5081. So in few words...the odds to have a down syndrome child at my age is 1 in 155 births a probability of 0.6% but mine came in wayyyy less than that. So I will sleep okay, anyway whatever it is and how it comes it will be love. That's what we agreed upon.

7 weeks

Oh I suppose to post some pictures, but here is the deal they are all in paper since my super clinic is not like fancy fancy using Ipads like the ones I saw in the news the other hold on. I need to get my camera, download them in this computer and then post them in here...hokus pokus!

A little bit of background

I am from Panama (that is between Costa Rica and Colombia if your geography skills has failed you once more), from the city which bares the same name of the country and I have lived in the US for 5 years now.

So as many of you know, I do have a Facebook page but bunch of other people (especially from work) are there and I don't want to be announcing that I am pregnant over there.
Creating a blog is NOT my thing. I don't like to read hence I don't like to write...but I am doing this just for the sake of not waiting until 9 months and then bam! "I should have done this".

Brad and I are getting on the 3 year mark of being together...amazingly, that has last more than my previous marriage who ended as we say in Panama "de sorpresa" but things were coming to an end earlier than many of you would know and I am not getting in details just saying I am trully happy with Brad.

I guess the good thing of these blogs is that I can write exactly as I think without major commitment for being publish in a local newspaper, so who cares about the grammar. English is NOT my first language as many of you will or know but heck I have to decide ONE language at a time. I am NOT going to translate this crap either.So bare with me...sometimes I will speak in both language, others times in Spanish and so on.

Brad and I had this conversation like couple of months ago about to go for it or not. For the ones who don't know we have a ten year gap between us and I am not getting any younger and the stupid biological clock give little to my years of studying, smart and wise decisions in life...the biological clock only cares about my eggs! How dare! well nobody is perfect that's why I don't believe in any divine thing. Because sorry there was something PLAIN wrong if you think a 16 year old child should be allow to have a kid...well actually there are some even older that shouldn't be allow to reproduce but that's for another post.