Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ten to Fifteen Words

Something that is quite different from my culture to this one, is that there is no such thing of "lack of words" in Panama. People can spend over 30 words to just say how their day was.

I am especially a creative one. There is no story, I mean NO story that I can tell you without telling two or more other stories that not necessarily are related to the original one and still make sounds, use my hands, fringe or use any kind of tools or help to say the story(ies) that I was telling. No way on earth I can tell you how I am feeling with only "okay". No way! How can I do that? If you asked me "how are you feeling today?" I will start with "well, more or less...my stomach is still upset..." and there I go, telling from the stupid guy who cut me in the highway and suddenly start talking about my test for tonight. Half of it will be related with what I feel the other half not so much. I never have paid attention to the fact I do that. Until, well my boyfriend or other friends in here just said..."do you notice you are in the third story that has nothing to do with the first one?".

I actually notice is somewhat hereditary. I have catched my mother doing the same. OMG and don't stop to check out on my grandmother...the all story tellers of all times. She can start saying something about one cousin and you can get lost about who she is ended up talking. I found it funny, I guess some other can find it annoying...but it all goes with culture.

So one of the Big Three told me today that I should sustain an analysis short within 10-15 words. THAT is quite a challenge. The analysis actually is simple, but to keep it in 10-15 words I will have trouble with it. Why ten...why fifteen? decimal system? Does he like fives'? I know Wade from long ago now, he was my GM then my Director...and I know him. He is quite a systematic individual that reads and see things like an eagle, politically perfect I really think he can run for governor. See? I was talking first about something else and I ended up with a totally different subject.

Wish me luck...10-15 words...here we go.

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