Friday, September 9, 2011

Moody Blues

I have been talking a lot with my mom and that has helping me a lot...still I feel upset about almost going out and throwing out everything I just ate. I just can't pass over it. I guess I just need time and patience...whatev.

The weather looks perfect to fly somewhere...not sure where but I have study to do, my mom is here and I promised to take her to a mall which I actually want to go to check some baby stuff and see if I can check a Thrift store on Saturday. Hopefully I will wake up in good mood...thinking positive.

Yesterday I was watching several episodes of "I didn't know I was pregnant" in Health Discovery...pretty interesting, shocking and revealing...what a lucky women in someway because it was almost like an adoption just like with your own baby. Heck you didn't suffered of anything and walla! heck you are pregnant now push and...there you go it's a baby girl!!!!

9/11 is coming again...and I know everything will be a bombshell of all the stories. I don't think I will read or watch anything about it. I don't want those things in my head right now. Okay, I lied again. Darn it! So I did watch THE WAR yesterday about the war in Tarawa (WWII)...and how the different aspects of fighting segreation in Mobile, Alabama, the concentration camp against the Japenese Americans in the West Coast and how blacks and japanese americans wanted to fight for a country that was giving its back just because they weren't look americans e.g. white.  That got me and I got REALLY upset, I didn't finish it because I fell asleep. Then today I read a story about a pilot in a flight from Tokyo to San Francisco during the 9-11 attacks and what they had to do to land the plane in US soil.

Well got the news my boss decided to say more  that he was authorized to say about my I am getting a lot, I mean a LOTTTT of chocolates for his mouth and I am enjoying a little bit of his guiltiness feeling. He is a good guy but should stop drinking those Rockstar drinks sometimes.

Brad was talking to my dad over the phone yesterday night...I never enjoy much that because my dad ALWAYS said things about me that are not entirely true even I know he said it in a good way. He is suffering because he had to do laundry hahaha time dad to do something for yourself!

Okay I am getting through a Mexican candy...and I am about to gag now. I like it but I hate it...can't get the flavor yet. Not sure I am going to finish this shit...aggg. Okay Sam decided to put like three M&M, 2 chocolate granola bars, and one fruit snack, that's his way to say "I am sorry". Men, men, men.

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