Saturday, September 17, 2011


So, okay I know is not YET my time, but I was starting watching stuff about childbirth, labor and such and I am starting to get nervous. For the ones who doesn't know...I am a big, BIG coward about pain. I hate pain...I can't tolerate pain. I got to the doctor at the moment I feel whatever thing an over the counter medication can't get through in 24 hours.

I have been through several pains in my life though...I have broke an arm, my right the middle of my third year in college, NOT a good time to do so especially if you are right handed. Don't ask me how I did it but I ended up even making mechanical plot drawings for me and making money from my classmates. Then later on I had a couple of surgeries, nothing major but pain was involved. Everytime I had those minor encounters with a surgeon or a doctor I always asked: "Does childbirth hurts like this?" and the only answered I got was a consistant laugh and a "omg no dear, that one is wayyy worst than this". That didn't sound good.

I actually hope to get through know, nobody tells you that being pregnant is in stages. Nothing is guarantee and I am starting to worry about many things in the meantime. If I am eating well, if I am getting angry when I should relax, if I am getting enough sleep so the baby can get all that it the most terrifying ones who are I can't feel the baby yet and I am hearing that some people at this stage do...and I don't!  I have my 4 months appointment next week and I am suffering of anxiety already to listen to the heartbeat, when I will know for sure the sex of the baby? So many questions and little answers that you get though the meantime. It's an eternal up and downs of worry and then joy. Nobody tells you that...only that "it's normal, you will be fine".

I am glad most people have the courage to believe that I will do just like that...fine, but right now I am like a nervous ball.

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