Monday, September 5, 2011

A little bit of background

I am from Panama (that is between Costa Rica and Colombia if your geography skills has failed you once more), from the city which bares the same name of the country and I have lived in the US for 5 years now.

So as many of you know, I do have a Facebook page but bunch of other people (especially from work) are there and I don't want to be announcing that I am pregnant over there.
Creating a blog is NOT my thing. I don't like to read hence I don't like to write...but I am doing this just for the sake of not waiting until 9 months and then bam! "I should have done this".

Brad and I are getting on the 3 year mark of being together...amazingly, that has last more than my previous marriage who ended as we say in Panama "de sorpresa" but things were coming to an end earlier than many of you would know and I am not getting in details just saying I am trully happy with Brad.

I guess the good thing of these blogs is that I can write exactly as I think without major commitment for being publish in a local newspaper, so who cares about the grammar. English is NOT my first language as many of you will or know but heck I have to decide ONE language at a time. I am NOT going to translate this crap either.So bare with me...sometimes I will speak in both language, others times in Spanish and so on.

Brad and I had this conversation like couple of months ago about to go for it or not. For the ones who don't know we have a ten year gap between us and I am not getting any younger and the stupid biological clock give little to my years of studying, smart and wise decisions in life...the biological clock only cares about my eggs! How dare! well nobody is perfect that's why I don't believe in any divine thing. Because sorry there was something PLAIN wrong if you think a 16 year old child should be allow to have a kid...well actually there are some even older that shouldn't be allow to reproduce but that's for another post.

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